Worcester City Chess Club
City Chess
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Club nights Thursday evenings

At Spin The Black Circle,
19-20 Pump Street, WR1 2QX

Next games at 7pm on Thu 1 Aug

Link for location. Club contacts and further information here
Please note that players under the age of 18 are welcome to play, but should be accompanied by parents or a responsible adult.

Summer chess at Spin The Black Circle
Summer chess at Spin The Black Circle


Competition titles in green are links to further information or the event organiser
  • Thu 8 August. Casual summer chess at Spin The Black Circle in the centre of town starting at 7pm. No charge for playing.

Worcester players at the county championships

14 Jul 2024. Peter Kitson and Ed Higgs were the highest scoring players at the tournament held at the King’s School Worcester, but both were bested by Joe Friar (Kidderminster) the new county champion. Chris Lee retained his Minor championship title. Other Worcester players in the tournament were Rob Sutton, Doin Luca, Scott Oxtoby, Phil Austin, Tony Shaw, Colin Vernon, Paul Serafini and new member Alfie Brazier. See full results.

Worcester lose to Hereford

16 Jul 2024. Worcester took 9 players for the return match at Hereford. The match went down to the last game but Hereford prevailed 5-4. Joe Rastall, captain Chris Lee won their games. Players enjoyed a feast of sausages and chips after their games.
20 Jun 2024. Worcester lost the home game 1-3. Only Dorin Luca had a win. Players enjoyed sausage rolls and sandwiches after their games. See match cards.

Congratulations to Scott, Aiden and Colin

12 Jul 2024. Aiden Griffiths, Scott Oxtoby and Colin Vernon passed the ECF examination as level 1 arbiters. Colin has additionally passed the World Chess Federation school instructor (SI) examination.

Summer chess

4 Jul 2024. The first summer chess session at Spin the Black Circle, Pump Street, Worcester WR1 2QX started in cool conditions., but there was a good attendance.

Worcester play at Leominster

17 Jun 2024. Worcester toook a team of nine players for the first friendly match of the summer. New club Leominster has lost narrowly to Hereford the previous week and Worcester were ambushed losing 2½-6½. Chris Lee played a captain’s game and won as did new player Paul Serafini. See full results.

Annual meeting agrees existing venue for 2024-5 season

The Presidentbwith Awradees with awardees at the 188th AGM of the club
The president with the club’s awardees at the 188th AGM
30 May 2024. A well-attended AGM decided to stay put at St Stephen's Church hall for the 2024-5 season. The vote was tied but as there was no majority for the move, it was decided to stay. The President said the club now had a Facebook page and was also on Instagram. The secretary, Ray Collett said that membership had increased, and members continue to play key roles in the county association. The club had entered two teams in the Worcestershire Summer Cup competitions to be played in August. Jim Keene, honorary treasurer, reported the club’s finances were healthy and he was stepping down from the role as was Phil Smith, the honorary auditor. Both were thanked for their work for the club over several years. The meeting decided to increase subscription rates slightly in line with inflation and exact tariffs are to be fixed by the club committee - club officers and team captains. Team captains reported that the Rooks had finished as runners-up in the Challengers League and the Bishops team were runners-up in the District League while the Wheatley Cup team were losing finalists. To provide more games for members the meeting agreed to ask the county association to restore the number of boards in the Championship League to six, the number played pre-Covid. Members elected Joe Rastall as treasurer and Tony Shaw as auditor and the other existing officers continue in post. See secretary and competition reports. The final item of business was the presentation of awards. Ray Collett, President of Worcestershire Chess Association presented The Jim Friar Award for services to Worcestershire Chess to Arnold Kirkland (see picture on the WCA website) and The club’s President Rob Sutton presented the Ranken Cup and the Challenge Cup to Joe Rastall for winning both the Club Championship and the Rapidplay Championship. Aiden Griffiths received the President’s award for his work as assistant secretary and Scott Oxtoby received the Jones Cup as the most improved player in the season. .

Members play at Gloucester

28 May 2024. Colin Vernon scored 3 points in the Minor Tournament in the six-round Cotswold Congress at Gloucester and Aiden Griffiths scored 2½.

Joe Rastall double club champion

23 May 2024. Jo Rastall and Scott Oxtoby played the standardplay club championship final at the club HQ St Stephen’s Church Hall. Scott playing black used a Sicilian Defence and Joe responded with the closed variation and advanced his king side pawns. To generate counterplay, Scott made an ill-judged central pawn advance only to find the exchanges unleashed the power of white’s fianchettoed bishop and he lost material and had to concede the game.
15 May 2024. Joe won his Rapidplay semi-final against Chris Lee while Ed Higgs and Rob Sutton were still in battle in the other keenly contested semi-final. Rob eventually won. After a short pause to gain breath, Rob and Joe played the final. It was an even game for long time and they entered a R+P ending where Rob was a pawn down, but had an advancing outside passed pawn. Joe won more pawns and manoevred his king in front of his pawns where it was impossible for Rob to check and promote his pawn.

2024 rapidplay Champion

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For comments or corrections please contact Ray Collett.